
Apache Pig 0.16.0 Error 2998 Unhandled internal Error

After installing Pig 0.16.0 and when tried to invoke Pig on Hadoop I started getting few errors -

Cannot locate pig-withouthadoop.jar

After setting PIG_HOME pointing to 0.16.0 version, when invoked from command line pig was throwing below error  :

This could be easily resolved by invoking explicitly invoking Pig by specifying the full path where Pig is installed on the machine as below :

Error 2998 Unhandled internal Error. Jline.Terminal

When Pig is initiated, either to run a pig latin script OR invoke grunt, started throwing another error-jline.Terminal.getTerminal()Ljline/Terminal -  as below:

This error is resolved by setting the environment variable - HADOOP_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST = true, as below.  After setting up the environment variable the jline error has gone away.


File Handling with Python

This little utility is for copying files from source to target directories.  On the way it checks whether a directory exists in the target, ...